Uber Coverage: Ride Sharing and Auto Insurance

Are you a part of the transportation revolution? Ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft are changing the way people get from point A to point B, and they’re doing it well. However, this brings up an interesting conundrum: Uber and Lyft drivers aren’t commercially licensed, as these aren’t what you would consider a standard […]

Pricy Presents: Florida’s Most Costly Cars to Insure

Insuring a car isn’t always a just matter of picking a company and signing a policy. Believe it or not, the type of car that you drive can make a huge impact on your insurance costs—and not just because of age. The most costly cars to insure are often some of the newest and fastest, […]

Less Means More When Paying for Insurance

Have you ever heard the phrase “you get what you pay for?” Well, when it comes to insurance that saying may just be flipped on its head. While getting cheap car insurance may seem more cost-effective, the fact that cheap policies offer extremely limited coverage can actually lead to higher overall costs in the long […]

Florida’s PIP Insurance Fraud: What Does it Mean for the Good Guys?

Personal injury protection insurance (PIP) is important to anyone looking for full auto coverage; if you get in an accident, this policy is the best way that you can assure any medical bills you incur are covered by your insurance. According to CoverHound, PIP insurance promises maximum benefits regardless of fault; while designed primarily to […]

Learning More About What Causes Your Auto Insurance Rates to Increase

Auto insurance is rarely a fun topic to bring up at the dinner table or with friends. However, unlike the latest blockbuster movie or your favorite book, this discussion often carries a significant amount of real-life implications – especially when the subject of rate increases enters the picture. To keep you informed and aware about […]

The Truth About Having a PIP/PD Only Policy

While it might not be your favorite topic for a dinnertime family discussion, there are few things more important than what kind of auto insurance you have associated with your vehicles. If you’re on the fence when it comes to this assertion, all it takes is being involved in one accident to completely change your […]