Tesla’s Innovative Autopilot Advances the Insurance Industry

Innovation generally gets ahead of the regulators, legislatures, and industries designed to handle the risks of innovation. This has been a truism since Gutenberg debuted his press. At the moment, a reason for totality in a Tesla driving on autopilot is in the news. National Transportation Safety Board investigators say that the model last was […]

Pokémon Go Causing New Insurance Issues

People driving and playing Pokémon Go at the same time may be subject to distracted driving laws that prohibit texting or talking on a device while operating a motor vehicle

Is there a Car Bubble?

Everyone has heard of real estate bubbles, stock market bubbles, commodity bubbles, but can there be such a thing as a car bubble? The economy is improving, and people are more secure about taking out loans and lines of credit. NBC reports that Americans are buying cars in high numbers after years of record low […]

OUCH! The Costs of Fixing Your Car are Getting Higher

As cars become more technologically advanced, repairing them after a collision is becoming a more expensive proposition. Repair claim costs have risen an average of 17 percent over the last ten years. Why? As cars become more technologically advanced, repair personnel need more training and continuing education in order to repair them. The equipment needed […]

Are You Going My Way? Self-Driving Cars are Coming!

Lexus RX450h retrofitted by Google for its driverless car fleet. Image Credit: Driving_Google_Self-Driving_Car.jpg: Steve Jurvetson, derivative work: Mariordo Great news! Self-driving cars are going to be a real thing! Not so great news! You’re still going to need auto insurance. Don’t kick your coverage to the curb just yet; there are a lot of things that […]

It’s Not Just Gas: The Real Cost of Commuting

Remember how owning a car was so much more complicated and expensive than you thought at first? You thought about the payment, the gas, and the insurance you’d need, but not about depreciation, or the maintenance needed to keep it running. A lot of people underestimate the costs of commuting, too. It’s not just gas […]

Uber Broward: What Drivers and Riders Need to Know

Commissioners will begin debate on an ordinance that allows ride-sharing service Uber to largely regulate itself. This ordinance if passed would allow the company to operate using a six month temporary permit, even though the county believes that Uber lacks the required insurance for its drivers. The Commissioners Get an Ubering The law under consideration […]

Are You Ready for a Charge of Vehicular Homicide?

Recently a driver in Minnesota was charged with felony vehicular homicide resulting in death, among other charges such as careless driving and unlawful use of a wireless communications device while driving. The driver received and opened two messages at 3:57, and the accident was reported at 3:58. The victim, a 40 year-old bicyclist and mother […]

Really Dumb Ideas: “But It’s Paid For” Edition

Q: If I pay my car off do I still need to carry comprehensive and collision insurance? A: There are a lot of different factors to consider before changing your auto insurance coverage. While you may have been required to carry full coverage while paying off your car loan, common wisdom says that you should […]

Getting The Best Car Insurance Rate

Though crime rates have dropped steadily over the past decade, Miami has seen a huge decline in auto theft. That doesn’t mean that you should skimp on your auto insurance, especially Florida has the second highest population of uninsured drivers. You need to cover accidents and the resulting damage, plus your own liability in case […]